Think you’re a responsible smartphone user? Reckon you’re saving battery by killing all those apps ? Think again. We all pick up bad habits, parti…
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Showing posts from September, 2015Show all
You can use Google Maps without Internet access! The Offline Places feature is built into Google Maps, and there are all sorts of reasons you should…
Read moreThe good news: the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus has just been announced. The bad news: your current iPhone is now out of date, and if you want to be part of…
Read moreSmartphone-tablet hybrids, known commonly as “phablets”, haven’t really managed to take off despite being available for some years now. While there have …
Read moreSince its July 29th release, Windows 10 has been constantly dogged by rumors concerning user privacy. Whilst confirmations and solid evidence are thin on…
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